January 29 - February 2 was held the 50th anniversary session of the International Workshop named after D.G. Uspensky - V.N. Strakhov "Issues of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravity, magnetic and electric fields".
At the Conference was presented the material of the team of authors, including the head of the development group of JSC "Pangea", I.L. Grivko: "Forecast of promising areas for hydrocarbon deposits on multi-attribute analysis of geological and geophysical data using IS "Pangea" at the regional stage of work".
More details - in the Conference material.
At the Conference was presented the material of the team of authors, including the head of the development group of JSC "Pangea", I.L. Grivko: "Forecast of promising areas for hydrocarbon deposits on multi-attribute analysis of geological and geophysical data using IS "Pangea" at the regional stage of work".
More details - in the Conference material.