Before the start of the summer field season, a mandatory training on the topic "Safe logging operations" was held in the TGO units. The purpose of the event was to check employees' knowledge of safety requirements for logging operations in accordance with the "Technological map of logging operations for preparation of seismic survey profiles". The theoretical part of the training included lectures on work safety, identification of risks and the possibility of their exclusion. The practical part consisted of practicing felling technology, skills for safe logging operations, overcoming water obstacles.
First aid trainings were also conducted. Training employees in first aid to injured people at work is one of the employer's responsibilities in the field of labor protection. First aid is the simplest urgent measures necessary to save the life and health of a victim in case of injuries and accidents. After familiarization with the theoretical part, the employees practiced practical skills of first aid in case of loss of consciousness, poisoning, burns, heat stroke, wounds, fractures, bruises under the guidance of an experienced paramedic of the seismic exploration party.
In order to consolidate the procedure of actions in case of a fire alarm signal, a drill was held on the topic "Fire Alarm in the SP-8 Field Camp". In the course of the event, employees received practical skills of possible actions to eliminate emergency situations, checked the serviceability of firefighting equipment. Thus, in case of simulated fire, the volunteer fire brigade notified the personnel and took prompt measures to eliminate it with the help of available fire extinguishing equipment.
All personnel of logging crews traveling to the profile were familiarized with occupational safety instructions, according to their specialties and types of work performed. Currently, the party's employees are fully provided with special clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment.
An important component of a successful working day is a daily discussion of the plan of the day's task fulfillment, informing about potential hazards and risks of the upcoming work, coordinated interaction between team members, positive attitude before the start of the shift for safe work.
First aid trainings were also conducted. Training employees in first aid to injured people at work is one of the employer's responsibilities in the field of labor protection. First aid is the simplest urgent measures necessary to save the life and health of a victim in case of injuries and accidents. After familiarization with the theoretical part, the employees practiced practical skills of first aid in case of loss of consciousness, poisoning, burns, heat stroke, wounds, fractures, bruises under the guidance of an experienced paramedic of the seismic exploration party.
In order to consolidate the procedure of actions in case of a fire alarm signal, a drill was held on the topic "Fire Alarm in the SP-8 Field Camp". In the course of the event, employees received practical skills of possible actions to eliminate emergency situations, checked the serviceability of firefighting equipment. Thus, in case of simulated fire, the volunteer fire brigade notified the personnel and took prompt measures to eliminate it with the help of available fire extinguishing equipment.
All personnel of logging crews traveling to the profile were familiarized with occupational safety instructions, according to their specialties and types of work performed. Currently, the party's employees are fully provided with special clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment.
An important component of a successful working day is a daily discussion of the plan of the day's task fulfillment, informing about potential hazards and risks of the upcoming work, coordinated interaction between team members, positive attitude before the start of the shift for safe work.